Funeral Services
24/7 Dedicated & Professional Funeral Services
Contact us to know more detail!
* 联络我们来了解更多详情 *

Funeral Service Package
Nirvana Funeral Services Package is our one stop comprehensive wake service. Everyone has the right to choose the final journey of life in a dignified, serene atmosphere. We advise, arrange and supervise funeral arrangements, covering all aspects with staff support. We dedicate our diligence right from the beginning through to the funeral day, and any further help required thereafter.

Our Services

Buddhist Ceremony

Taoist Ceremony

Christian Ceremony

Service Consultant

Professional Prayer Service

Funeral Procession Service
We provide one-stop funeral services. Everyone has the right to choose the final journey of life in a dignified,serene atmosphere. We advise, arrange and supervise funeral arrangements, covering all aspects with staff support. We dedicate our diligence right from the beginning through to the funeral day, and any further help required thereafter.
Funeral Service Package (FSP)
As Need For Emergency Price Our Funeral Services Lowest From (RM22,300 or RM20,800) + Cheapest Single Niche From Only RM14,300*
作为紧急价格的需要 我们的葬礼从最低价(RM20,800或RM22,300)+ 最便宜单一骨灰位仅售RM14,300 *
Contact us - As Need for emergency price
* 联络我们 - 作为紧急价格的需要 *

For Buddhist /Taoist Funeral Services Package
- 24-Hour careline提供24小时礼仪咨询
- Reporting death and obtaining burial clearance/permit 申报死亡,领取死亡与下葬证书
- Use of canopy or standard parlour 在丧府使用特色大棚或富贵标准追思礼堂设灵
- Casket 寿木
- Urn 骨灰瓮
- Cremation or burial 使用火化场或土葬仪式
- Offering (Fruit and vegetarian )3天2夜的水果与素食祭品
- Longevity costume 入殓用品
- Mourning garment 孝服
- Professional handcrafted paper model with decorative lights 精工制作纸扎(1套)
- Joss sticks and prayer materials 元宝蜡烛(1套)
- Confectionery gift 糖果礼品
- Use of hearse 灵车
- **Night Buddhist/Taoist prayer service 2晚诵经打斋(佛教/道教)
- **Light refreshment 备办轻便糕点咖啡茶
- **Professional music band 专业音乐队(1组)
- **Limousine 礼车1辆(单程使用)
- **40 seater AirCond Bus 40人座送殡冷气巴士1辆(双程使用)
- **Limited to 只限NV Honour / NV Elegant only
Buddhist/Taoist FSP Comparison (Pre-Planning Pricing)

For Christian/Catholic/SGM Funeral Service Package

- 24-Hour careline提供24小时礼仪咨询
- Reporting death and obtaining burial clearance/permit 申报死亡,领取死亡与下葬证书
- Use of canopy or standard parlour 在丧府使用特色大棚或富贵标准追思礼堂设灵
- Casket 寿木
- Urn 骨灰瓮
- Candles, Cross 蜡烛,十字架
- Casket & Table Top Floral Decoration 棺顶和灵桌花饰
- Cremation or burial 使用火化场或土葬仪式
- Use of PA system 使用音响系统
- Use of Electronic Keyboard 使用电子琴键
- Use of hearse 灵车
- Floral Ornament 花圈锦簇
- Use of Hymm books 使用圣诗手册
- **Light refreshment 备办轻便糕点咖啡茶
- **Limousine 礼车1辆(单程使用)
- **40 seater AirCond Bus 40人座送殡冷气巴士1辆(双程使用)
Christian / Catholic FSP Comparison(Pre-Planning Pricing)

Our Product & Service
24/7 Dedicated & Professional Funeral Service

Funeral Service
White ladies, buddhism ceremony, taoist ceremony, chirstian ceremony, funeral ceremony service consultant, etc
白衣天使, 佛教仪式, 道教仪式, 基督教仪式, 治丧服务团队, etc

Burial Plot
Royal family burial plot, super family burial plot, family burial plot, double and single burial plot, christian memorial garden
家族陵园, 家族陵园, 家族墓园, 家族福地, 標準福地, 基督徒墓園

Luxury columbarium, modern columbarium, christian columbarium, ancient chinese architecture columbarium
豪華式骨灰殿, 现代化骨灰殿, 基督徒藝術骨灰殿, 古鄉式骨灰殿
White Ladies
A service respect for Women
The White Ladies area team of professionally trained female embalmers and beautician dedicated to rendering their immaculate services with a genuine heart for deceased female body. This will leave a comforting imprint on the spouse, parents and children who would feel more at ease with this service respect for their departed loved ones.
**Outstation charge: RM500

By planning the funeral services in advance, everything can be done properly when things happen. This will alleviate the sadness and pressure that the family experienced at that time. Your family don’t have to worry about any critical decisions they have to deal with.
We all know the importance of being prepared for the rain.
- In order to fight the sudden onset of the disease, we are ready for medical insurance.
- In order to have enough pension in the future, we are ready to the saving plan.
- In order to avoid any disputes in the future, we made a will.
- It allows you to decide on your desired service, based on your own preferred rites and rituals.
What about the last party of our life?
- 为了对抗疾病突然来袭,我们准备好了医药保险。
- 为了以后有足够的退休金,我们准备好储蓄计划。
- 为了避免以后有任何纷争,我们做好了遗嘱。
- Special price for pre-planning
- 0% interest installment payment
- Reduce disputes with relatives (including religious rituals, spiritual choices, funding, etc.)
- Leave love to next generation, but not debts
- Reduce the burden on children
- Prevent future inflation
- You can choose your favorite ritual or service according to your wishes
- 事前规划有特惠价
- 0%利息分期付款
- 减少与亲人纷争(包括宗教仪式,灵位选择,经费等等)
- 留给下一代是爱,而不是债
- 减少孩子的负担
- 抗通货膨胀
- 可以根据自己的意愿,选择自己喜欢的仪式或服务
- Be in-control of what is needed, sit-down and discuss among self, avoid any unnecessary conflicts and hard feeling.
- Face the situation in a calm-manner to ensure a proper and complete send-off. Conclude and decide the matter in case the other children weren’t around or back in time.
- With a proper arrangement planned ahead, and requirement are drawn, one can avoid any misjudgement which lead to wrong decision making, resulting undesired outcome.
- Eternal love, and continuation of filial-piety is preserved. Avoid the confused and upset mind-set.
- Early purchases, secure the price while it’s low, avoid inflation and price hike in the later years.
- Early investment and purchase assures one a total peace of mind, avoiding one from scam of lies and cheaters in purchasing in as-need cases.
- With low-down payment and 0% interest-free-instalment, avoid financial difficulties in paying upfront a huge lump sum which add-on the financial burden.
- A well-established brand, Nirvana Asia, with a team of professional service providers, with no hidden-charges that shocks you at the end of day.
- On-going promotions and professional consultancy services for your needs, there is no need to worry of going out to look for your desired ‘home’ with price trans
- 掌控主權,有商有量,避免意見衝突,破壞感情。
- 冷靜面對,圓滿處理,避免兒女在外,倉促決定。
- 妥善安排,清楚交代,避免不知所措,重重打擊。
- 愛心延續,孝心回饋,避免心煩意亂,手忙腳亂。
- 鎖定價格,節省經費,避免通膨衝擊,額外負擔。
- 早日投資,無憂無慮,避免無法之徒,偷搶騙刮。
- 提前支付,免息分期,避免一次付清,加重負擔。
- 國際品牌,專業團隊,避免任人擺佈,漫天開價。
- 預購優惠,事前諮詢,不怕貨比三家,價格透明。

Call us to know more detail 联系我们以了解更多详情
Michelle 011-11527268
Our Facilities
Complete facilities to Our Customer
提供设备完善 一应俱全

Branches 分行
Klang Valley & Melaka
Call us to know more detail 联系我们以了解更多详情
Michelle 011-11527268